About Us
The Chilliwack and Fraser Cascade Child Care Resource and Referral (CFC-CCRR) is a program of Chilliwack Community Services, funded by the Province of British Columbia’s Ministry of Children and Family Development as an essential part of the province’s short- and long-term strategies to improve the quality, stability, and inclusiveness of child care in all B.C. communities. Parents need access to affordable, quality child care, which is a recognized support to the healthy development of young children and is particularly critical for children who experience a number of identified risk factors.
Who is this program for?
The CFC-CCRR program is for both parents and the child care workforce. The CFC-CCRR encompasses an area including the City of Chilliwack, the Village of Harrison Hot Springs, the Districts of Kent and Hope, as well as the outlying communities in and around these municipalities, such as Yale and Boston Bar.

What are the program services available for...
Parents and guardians?
The CFC-CCRR offers information, education and referrals to families looking for child care and other services for young children through the following services:
- Child care referrals
- Referrals to community programs
- Assistance applying for Affordable Child Care Benefit
- Providing information on selecting and monitoring child care
- Offering parent workshops
- Providing an ever-expanding lending library for parents
The Child care workforce?
The CFC-CCRR provides support, educational opportunities, and resources for the child care workforce through the following services:
- Child care referrals
- Resource bins, large items, and books, amongst other items in our lending library for the child care workforce
- Providing workshops on a range of topics
- Registering License not Required child care facilities
- Offering Communities of Practice and Networking events
- Offering support to the child care workforce as needed
- Proctoring services for ECEs in-training
- Laminating services
- Regular E-Bulletins
- A community job board for child care professionals
In May 1990, the Ministry of Social Services provided Chilliwack Community Services with funding to begin a “Family Daycare Support Program” with the program set to begin that July. The office was located on Mill Street above the Ministry of Environment – a location that provided some excitement as one was never sure what would go on just outside the office back door, such as viewing a bear or cougar getting prepared to be transported elsewhere. The program saw its first potential child care provider being interviewed in August 1990 with the toy lending library receiving a gracious donation of $5000 from the Kiwanis club in January of the following year, both kickstarting the program off. Less than a year after the Family Daycare Support Program began, the program had 40 child care providers registered.
In 1992, the Family Daycare Support Program was renamed the “Child Care Support Program” with the Ministry of Women’s Equality taking over. The program changed names and funders again in 1996, this time put under the umbrella of the Ministry of Children and Families with the program’s name being updated to that which remains to this day, the “Child Care Resource and Referral” (CCRR) program; however, while the program name remained the same, this was not the last time that the program transferred hands between various governmental ministries. 1999 and 2001 would see the CCRR program bounce over to the Ministry of Social Services and Economic Development, then the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal, and Women’s Services. Later the program was placed back under the Ministry of Child and Family Development and then, most recently, it has been placed under the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
The beginning of 2002 brought with it an announcement that all provincial CCRR programs would end on March 31 of the following year, 2003. Fortunately, this decision was soon reversed just a few months later, in August 2002. The CCRR program has remained a regular and stable mainstay of Chilliwack Community Services ever since, but not without changes.
The year 2004 brought about many such changes. For one, the CCRR programs were returned to the Ministry of Children and Families, a change the government made realizing the importance of support for child care providers and parents, yet unsure of where such a program belonged. A new CCRR Program Standards Manual was developed and the CCRR mandate was revised and expanded to include more supports and services for parents while a province-wide web site was created, ccrr.bc.ca – now defunct. Additionally, 2004 also saw the CCRRs divided into five regions. Chilliwack Community Services was successful in receiving funding to provide a CCRR Regional Coordinator for the Fraser Region. The Regional Coordinator position supported CCRRs, pooled resources for marketing, and liaised with the four other Regional Coordinators and the applicable Ministry responsible for funding.
In 2006, the CCRRs expanded even more, this time to include a leadership role in assisting eligible parents to access the Child Care Subsidy, now called the Affordable Child Care Benefit. However, this did not stop significant operating budget cuts to the CCRR programs cross the province in 2007. The cancellation of the federally funded Early Learning and Child Care Agreement on March 31st, 2007, led to these operating budget cuts that affected all BC CCRRs as of the 1st of April 2007.
If you’ll notice, there is a CCRR overview video on our homepage. This video was created thanks to funding received in 2011 to create such a video, highlighting the services provided through CCRRs. Chilliwack Community Services’ Regional CCRR Coordinator, Barb Presseau, worked with the Vancouver Coastal Regional CCRR Coordinator to write the dialogue, while the filming took place in Chilliwack and included CCRR staff and child care providers.
Over the years, the Chilliwack CCRR has called a few places home. This list includes the Wellington Avenue location, to Vedder Road in Sardis, then back to Wellington Avenue. Beginning in the late-spring/early-summer of 2023, the Chilliwack CCRR began calling the School Street Chilliwack Community Services office home. In addition to the School Street location, 2024 saw Chilliwack Community Services grow their CCRR program, expanding through the Fraser Cascade area, encompassing an area from Chilliwack to Boston Bar, including Harrison, Agassiz, and Hope. This service area expansion would lead to Chilliwack Community Services opening its first out-of-town satellite office in Agassiz, housed in the Kent Community Recreation and Cultural Centre and all in support of the Chilliwack & Fraser Cascade CCRR program.